How do I show you the scars under my skin?
How do I let you in when I’m afraid of my sins?
I feel the absent presence of everyone who I’ve let in.
Only for them to leave me shriveled and closed off again.
I like to start my poems with questions
I’ve questioned my whole life
I’ve questioned the weight of all my pain and strife
How do I be vulnerable without coming off as angry
When there is so much anger within me
My steps a quiet rage as my bones crack with indignation
The blood flows to my ears my body heating at my vexation
Boiling my tears as they stream down my face
I feel so much different than the dreams that I chase
I feel so slow and stagnant while my life speeds up the pace
How do I be vulnerable
When my pain has a face
Its presence is heavy and unrelenting taking up all my space
Do you want me to be vulnerable? Okay
I hate who I see in the mirror.
Every. Single. Day.
I hate what I write
I hate the way I speak
I hate the way I give myself to people who think I’m weak
I hate the way I’m hurting
I hate it when people tell me it’s not a big deal
I hate that I am meek
I hate being vulnerable because it opens up a door
It opens up the flood gates and I can’t cry anymore
How do you be vulnerable, cause one more crack and I might break
I don’t think I can be vulnerable, I don’t have what it takes.