The Figure

It’s bedtime in my house

That means it’s time to sleep

When it’s bedtime I like to keep routine.

It’s bedtime in my house

So I turn off all the lights

It’s bedtime in my house

So there’s not a screen in sight

With the tv off

I start towards the light

Oh wait!

It’s bedtime in my house

So I turn my fan on high

I like the way the wind feels on my face 

I tell my speaker to play rain sounds

A subtle lullaby 

It’s bedtime in my house

Now I can hit the lights

I snuggle up in bed and I release a heavy sigh.

As I drift and drift and drift

I notice it

My closet sliddeeesss and creaks 

There’s a figure in my closet

I wonder what he eats

When will he start to hunger for his new and tasty treat?

There’s a figure in my closet

But I can’t make out his shape

His eyes are wide and almost human

Yet slightly out of place.

There’s a figure in my closet

He loves to stalk and creep

There’s a figure in my closet and I don’t know what he seeks.

Will he bare his rotten teeth at me as his jowls lower to my cheek

Will he snarl as he peels off my skin starting at my feet

Will he chortle while he tastes my bloodied meat

I worry about the figure until I drift to sleep 

It’s morning in my house

There is no figure left to see

The figure may be gone but he left something for me

I look down at my closet

To see two human teeth

